playing with the words
....feelings that I can feel...
Word of the day: HAEVN
You may ask: 'Haven't you made some spelling mistakes here?'
Nope, I haven't. - sounds my answer.
why? Simply, because the word 'haevn' (1) is related to the Danish expression 'revenge'. (= an action/desire)
(2) HAEVN is also the name of a music band from Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
(3) Exercises:
- Listen to the song here.
- Look at the lyrics on this site.
- answer the questions below:
How did you feel before listening to this song?
What kind of feelings does this song create in you?
How do you feel after listening to this song?
Write 2 sentences that can be true in relation with this song.
Write 2 sentences that express how you feel about this song.
<---What does this drawing refer to?
<---Do you ever feel the same?
<---What kind of feeling can it be?
#english is fun #learning english with music is always fun
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