learn English with fun
JoKe = something that creates fun and laughter, a feeling of well-being
Here you can find a more exact and detailed description of what a joke is.
This site gives lots of synonyms for the word joke.
And here are some other expressions.
Do you ever smile?
How often do you laugh?
Why is it important to have fun?
How can we feel good?
What are the aims of jokes?
Have you ever made up one?
Do you know a funny joke in English?
For language learners there are several useful websites where you can find jokes typically for developing your language skills: reading, grammar and vocabulary.
Here it is a list of webpages that can be amusing for practising English with jokes.
jokes, jokes, jokes (it includes graded levels of English language), jokes (this one is superb for listening practice, too) -> with a quiz
Don't forget about the positive effects of laughing each day:
photos: pinterest.com
P.s. Have a funny way of practising English.
#english is fun #learning is fun
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