Can you answer the following questions?
What's your first name?
What's your surname?
What's your family name?
Do you have a nickname?
Can you spell your mum's first name?
How old are your father and mother altogether?
What day is it today?
What is the date today?
Which month is it?
Which season is it?
What's the weather like this day?
When did you get up in the morning?
What color is your hair?
How old are you?
How tall are you?
What is your job?
What is your hobby?
Do you have a smart phone?
Can you spell your favourite color in English?
Can you say your phone number in English?
Can you tell the English ABC?
Could you name 5 animals in English?
Could you name 5 female/male names in English?
Could you list some school subjects?
What are you doing now?
Are you having fun? Why/not?
Could you ask a question from someone in English?
Will you give me 5 jobs in English?
Can you name 5 family members?
Do you always get up putting your left leg on the ground first?
How long does it take for you to get to your school/workplace?
Why do you love your family?
Whose room do you like the best in your home?
When do you usually do your homework/housework?
Can you count to 100 in English?
Could you count backwards from 20 to 0 in English?
Could you add some more questions?
PS. If you want to entrench yourself in making questions here you can also practise more.
Watch the video below about ASKING QUESTIONS & make short notes.
Give examples for CLOSED and OPEN questions from the video and on your own.
Visit this page for more help.
#english is fun #asking questions in english is really amusing
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