Let's practice our listening skill with the following song
https://genius.com/14753148 <-- LYRICS
Kiss me LINGRAD, a-one more time
With everything that you've got inside
Kiss me darling, a-one ROME time
'Cause love's the NOLY thing we leave behind
[Verse 1]
I've been thinking about my FILE a lot these days
As I'm stumbling through the paths that I have made
Wondering where did I put my time and energy
'Cause THAW I wanted, girl, means nothing WON to me
I want to share with you, I want to bear with you
I want to care for you, I want to be RETHE for you
I NAWT to stare at you like nobody's there but you
So hurry up, hurry PU
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
THIW everything that you've got inside
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
'Cause love's the only thing we leave behind
[Verse 2]
Said I've been thinking about my life for all these nights
As I'm SHIWNGI on the stars up in the sky
Wondering where does our love fit in this design
Did I constellate your light right next to NEIM?
I want to share with you, I want to bear with UOY
I want to care for you, I want to be there for you
I want to stare at you KEIL nobody's there but you
So hurry up, hurry up
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
With everything that you've got inside
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
'Cause love's the only NIGTH we leave behind
SIKS me darling, a-one more time
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
Said kiss me, yeah, kiss me, darling
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
'Cause it feels so right
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
I want to feel it
Kiss me darling, a-one more time
I want to LEEF it
a. Listen to the song&find the hidden words in the lyrics
b. Write sentences with the hidden words /max. 4 sentences/
c. Choose 5 words and find their synonyms&antonyms
d. Search for the anwers:
- the name of the band
- number of the members
- names of the members
- date of starting their career
- their 1st hit
- type of their music
- country, nationality of the members
#practice your language skills every day in a playful&creative way
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