...a new year...a new me...
Is it absolutely necessary to make resolutions to make great changes in our lives?
In my view, it is not essentially a new year's resolution but self-talk or quizzes created for oneself is what should be first used/practised anytime, anywhere& anyhow.
I would never make new year's resolutions as they are not to my taste... /I know that I would never keep them this way.../
Ok, but what's the connection between philosophy and resolutions/ new year?
I'm sure that philosophy connects everything and everyone...anyhow...anywhere...anytime.
So, philosophy really matters a lot.
The whole world and our lives rely on philosophical ideas, thoughts and discussions... either in a more intelligent or a less scientific way.
We ask questions about everything... that's the way we understand things around us.
Here is my answer, ask at least 5 questions /every day/ to yourself about anything...then try to give a rational answer for them. If you can't find answers then try to google them.... ;-)
Let's start with some very interesting questions. Here below you can challenge yourself.
Good luck&have fun ;-)
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