Doodles here, doodles there....doodles everywhere.
But what's the use of it?
What is a doodle at all?
Do you draw doodles anytime, anywhere, anyhow?
What's your favourite doodle character/form/sign?
What would you draw if you could choose?
3rd person present: doodles
1.scribble absent-mindedly."he was only doodling in the margin"
plural noun: doodles
1.a rough drawing made absent-mindedly."the text was interspersed with doodles"
------------->as googlesearch shows....
Some famous doodles from GOOGLE search
These drawings represent several popular days in the world like Mother's Day or Teachers' Day.
Task: Choose one and describe it. What do you like in it? Why don't you like it?
Anyway, sometimes when I feel like so, I try to draw something...some doodles, or anything that catches my interest. In my view, doodles are fun and help you to be a better person. It helps concentration, arts&crafts sides as well as you can practise your English or other language skills if you watch and read about how to make doodles. So, it's DOODLE-TIME! ;-)
"Science also backs up the importance of doodling.
Doodling helps you pay attention. Despite popular belief, doodling actually keeps you focused by creating just enough stimulation to prevent your brain from reverting to its default state, or “spacing out.”
Doodling gives you an emotional outlet. If you have trouble communicating or putting emotions into words, doodling can help you express your feelings, even calm you down if you’re frustrated, anxious or depressed.
Doodling enhances creative thought. The mental state of doodling is between awareness and daydreaming, which makes it great for new, creative ideas. It relaxes you just enough that something in the back of your mind can come to fruition naturally.
But perhaps most importantly: doodling gives you rare insights into your own psyche.
Different people doodle different things, and even the same person will doodle different things depending on their mood. These aren’t random. Just because you’re doodling absent-mindedly doesn’t mean your mind is absent." source:
So, are you going to start drawing something...let's say some doodles, at least?
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