Thinking of dragons
Do they still exist?
Those fearful, big-eyed green monstrous creatures
or are they just in the mist
of singalongs, gossips and chit-chats?
that make goosebumps and bring shivers
on your skin up and down, back and forth
Of course, I’m talking about you Dragons!
Some legends say you are dangerous and crazy about human flesh
but tell me, dear would you really eat manliness of the world’s joy
I can’t believe you are such cruel blood hunters,
oh, no boy…
In my mind, you are so funny one-headed guys
who love to sing and are not into any red fights
just curious about books
as you love to read
especially poems about knightly love, indeed
you gently Dragon companions
are eager to help our brave cavaliers
crossing across any dark, dreadful canyons
to save the lost and restrainted princesses
and provide them with no excuses to help them out with a bunch of wild red red roses
oh, what a beautiful business could it really be
if you virtuous Dragons together with the kings, queens and their teams
sit around the table for a late late afternoon fruit tea
--by Gertrud Cettler--
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