/a poem-like string of thoughts by me/
mUsiC for the 'here & now'
are you trembling with anger or
are you shaking with fears?
are you always listening to what another person hears
or rather
to your inner feelings?
are you crazy or
are you out of your mind?
it's all the same, darling...
the everyday problems make you blind
stop for a minute or just hang on your ears,
let your intrinsic volume dry all your tears
while you're stuck with the tunes of the charmed melodies,
never ever give the cruel moments any chance to take away your possibilities
photo: pinterest.com
#music gives you the feeling: "I feel glorious, glorious; Got a chance to start again" like in Macklemore's song
#english is fun #learning is fun #listening to music makes you feel better
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