believing in the positive effect of 'us'/each other/memory
MUSIC = ;-)
Listening to music can easily become someone's obsession or passion...
That's how it goes with me, too.
For me, enjoyable music equals with a kind of treasure land.
In the following section I'd like to share my current favourite song from a worldwide known singer.
...Do you recognize him?...
then (2015) --->
<-- now (2018)
What's the difference between the 2 photos?
Which one do you prefer? Why?
Let's practise English with some music...
Fill in the missing parts and find the correct words in the lyrics while listening to the song.
"Is there a secret?
Is there a code?
Can we make it better?" (James Bay: Us)
-------> Do you have any answers to these upper-mentioned questions?<------
What about doing another exercise?
#english is fun #learning is fun with music, too
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