Raising the question: Why is it soooo hard to start a day or a week easily without any complaints about getting up early and rushing into our workplace or school? However hard we try to resist the negative feelings around Mondays ... we need to face the truth that it (= Monday) is something that makes everything in order and gives meaning to life.
Try to look at this day as one of the most beautiful days among the others. Bring some joyful moments out of every beginning of a week...
Here I've collected some motivational thoughts and inspirations to focus on better ideas when you have to start Monday (or any other day). Meanwhile you can also improve your vocabulary in English by memorizing the following lines.
Which of the collected motivational picture and thought do you like the best? Why?
Do you have any favourite motivational quotes or videos that you use every day?
Just to make Mondays a bit even funnier, let's listen to an evergreen hit song from the 1980s. Manic Monday from The Bangles.
Did you know that this song was written by Prince? ;-)
photos from pinterest.com
#english is fun #let's make mondays fun days with practising english in a playful way
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