Could you define the word 'TIME'?
What is TIME?
Where does it come from and where does it go?
Why does it go away at all?
Why can not it stay steadily without leaving us among despair that we will soon following its steps beyond the uncomprehensible?
Time travelling... well,...does it really exist? Or is it just a figment of humans' imagination? If time travelling as such does really exist then why can't all people have the capacity to use this power at least once in a lifetime?
Let's suppose you can travel in time, where and when would you travel /in/to?
Back in time or towards into the future?
...or could this also be that we all have a time machine? Yepp, maybe and it could be called 'dreaming'... since every night we have the chance to travel in time while we're sleeping...
...or there's another one that is called memory...? Yepp, and how well can we use it?
Minden ember közös, eszelős álma: visszaforgatni az idő kerekét, hogy jóvátegyük a hibáinkat és az élet igazságtalanságát.
Guillaume Musso (francia regényíró)
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