STOP BULLYING!--> short&easy to follow invitation. However, it is not done so often as it should be.
What's bullying?
Why is this phenomena?
Where does it come from?
What can it be done against it?
Did you know that the word bully didn't have a negative meaning in the was related to the word 'lover.' -->"As it turns out, bullies haven’t always been thought of as intimidating menaces. For English speakers in the 16th century, bully was actually synonymous with lover."
--->as wikipedia says:
gerund or present participle: bullying
mid 16th century: probably from Middle Dutch boele ‘lover’. Original use was as a term of endearment applied to either sex; it later became a familiar form of address to a male friend. The current sense dates from the late 17th century.
-->as says:

In the 1940s-'50s people started to spread negative views about "fatness" that represents one type of bullying :
"By the 1940–50s, thinness had spread as the new ideal for health and beauty. In March 1954, Life magazine featured an article, “The Plague of Overweight,” which characterized obesity as “the most serious health problem today.” “The uncompromising truth,” it went on, “is that obesity is caused by gluttony.” At the time, only around three percent of Americans were considered obese."
Yet, there are several other types of bullying, too.
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