"River Cottage Australia is an Australian adaptation of the English franchise of the same name. The series sees former chef Paul West showcase local produce and farming while attempting to live in a self-sufficient manner. The series premiered on 27 June 2013 on The LifeStyle Channel and ran for two seasons before moving to The LifeStyle Channel's sister network LifeStyle Food in 2015 where it aired a further two seasons.", RIVER COTTAGE- AUSTRALIA...does it ring a bell?
Could you translate the following text translate into English?
"Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall tizenöt évvel ezelőtt vágott bele kísérletébe a fenntarthatóság és önellátás jelszavaival. Egy dorseti tanyára költözött, földművelésbe és állattenyésztésbe kezdett, hogy a helyi közösségbe beilleszkedve népszerűsítse az önellátó gazdálkodás gyümölcseit és magát az életformát."
Some places where you can find more about this program, it's worth a visit...
After watching this trailer, summarize its message, describe the series in a short way and tell your opinion about it.
Have you ever seen this program?
Do you follow any people's life on the Net?
What do you think about real life series that introduce less known people's lives?
Have you ever been to Australia?
What do you say about self sustaining life?
Do you think a chef's life is easy?
What's so special about Paul West?
Does Paul have a dog?
"Paul was working as a ‘knife for hire’ in various restaurant kitchens near Hobart and as a volunteer"
What does -a knife hire- refer to?
In what ways does your lifestyle and eating habits differ from or similar to Paul West's?
Do you ever cook?
Are you conscious about shopping, eating and cooking in a healthy way?
Explain this idea below.
"The biggest discovery for me has been weaning myself off being a consumer to being a producer. And what you make yourself tastes amazing."
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